At this time we would like to remind those who are staying to observe their students class(es) to be respectful to those around them. Please limit parental/guardian observers to ONE per student(s) and keep small children close. The use of masks in our observation area is strongly recommended.
Author: Dianna
Ninja Warrior
Just like the TV show, working on upper body strength, agility, balance and control. Benefits at Randy’s, we have official Ninja Warrior obstacles, build self-esteem, and encouragement.
We are here for you and your family! You are missed!
Update to Covid 19 – Reopening It seems like ages ago when we were all together. We are living in unprecedented times, for all of us. It is hard to figure out our new way of life and all of its adjustments. As we have been staying sheltered and safe we have also been working […]
PE with Randy
April 22, 2020
PE with Randy
April 17, 2020
PE with Randy
April 15, 2020
PE with Randy
April 13, 2020
PE with Randy
April 10, 2020
PE with Randy
April 8, 2020
PE with Randy
April 6, 2020